Why is flossing so important to dental hygiene?
Flossing removes food, debris, and plaque that your toothbrush just can’t reach. It is very important to remove plaque from your teeth before it hardens and becomes tartar. Flossing also helps prevent gum disease. Prevention is the best medicine and this is why the The American Dental Association recommends flossing at least once per day.
There is some debate about whether to floss before or after you brush your teeth. And according to the American Dental Association website MouthHealthy.org it really doesn’t matter as long as you do it!
Flossing your teeth should never be painful, but if you do not floss regularly your gums may be a bit sensitive during and after the first few tries. This is normal and will go away as flossing becomes a daily habit.
If you have questions about the proper way to floss or need assistance buying the proper floss for you and your family, call our office or make an appointment to visit our office. At you next visit our hygienists and Dr. Lemon can give you some tips and offer some great product recommendations.
We know that if you floss once a day and keep up with proper toothbrushing techniques your next visit is likely to be a breeze!
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